
A la Une

  • Being young in 1986 in Pripyat, the satellite town of the Chernobyl nuclear power station 22/04/2024
    Laurent COUMEL*
    Being young in 1986 in Pripyat, the satellite town of the Chernobyl nuclear power station
    The author of 24 heures de la vie à Tchernobyl  (PUF, 2024) looks back at some little-known aspects of daily life in the Soviet Union at the start of the reforms launched by Mikhail Gorbachev. Is it easy to be young? It is the title of a documentary film shot in Riga in the summer of 1986 and released in Soviet cinemas in early 1987. It shows a group of secondary school boys and girls, some of whom (all of them ...
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  • D #17 : Edito – Push and Pull 01/09/1999
    Mathieu Valdec
    D #17 : Edito - Push and Pull
    Le dossier de ce numéro est consacré aux migrations vers la France des hommes et des femmes d’Europe centrale et orientale. Appréhender cet espace au travers de ceux qui en émigrent est un exercice délicat. Il serait trop commode d’affirmer sur ...
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