
A la Une

  • Towards a Moldovan “raskol”? 15/01/2024
    Apolline CARRAS*
    Towards a Moldovan “raskol”?
    A letter drafted by the Metropolitan of Moldova and leaked to the press in October 2023 was a bombshell in a country better known for its fugitive oligarchs than its rebellious popes. In five pages, the head of the Moldovan Orthodox Church accuses the Moscow Patriarchate of having “pushed to the periphery of society” the Moldovan Church, which has been attached to the Russian Patriarchate since 1940. Far from being a simple war of chapels, this episode illustrates the tensions ...
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  • Towards a Moldovan “raskol”? 15/01/2024
    Apolline CARRAS*
    Towards a Moldovan “raskol”?
    A letter drafted by the Metropolitan of Moldova and leaked to the press in October 2023 was a bombshell in a country better known for its fugitive oligarchs than its rebellious popes. In five pages, the head of the Moldovan ...
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  • Vers un ‘raskol’ moldave ? 15/01/2024
    Apolline Carras*
    Vers un ‘raskol’ moldave ?
    Une lettre rédigée par le Métropolite de Moldavie, révélée à la presse en octobre 2023, a fait l’effet d’une bombe, dans un pays plus connu pour ses oligarques en fuite que pour ses popes réfractaires. En cinq pages, le chef de ...
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  • Naître à l’Est – Appel à contribution 01/01/2024Naître à l'Est - Appel à contribution
    INVITATION à participer au dossier n°76 de Regard sur l’Est   Alors que la population de la plupart des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale tend à décroître, avec notamment une natalité et une fécondité peu dynamiques, les États ont tendance à prôner des ...
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  • Born in Eastern Europe – Call for contributions 01/01/2024Born in Eastern Europe - Call for contributions
    INVITATION to take part in issue no. 76 of Regard sur l’Est While the population of most Central and Eastern European countries tends to decline, with a low birth rate and fertility rate, governments are increasingly advocating pro-natalist or even pro-family ...
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  • Memento Park in Budapest: under the Gaze of the Remnants of Socialism 17/07/2023
    Assen SLIM*
    Memento Park in Budapest: under the Gaze of the Remnants of Socialism
    In Budapest, the Memento Park, or Szobor Park, an emblematic place of remembrance in contemporary Hungary, offers a chance to immerse yourself in the unsettling atmosphere created by these remnants of socialism, inviting you to reflect on history. After the fall ...
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