
A la Une

  • Towards a Moldovan “raskol”? 15/01/2024
    Apolline CARRAS*
    Towards a Moldovan “raskol”?
    A letter drafted by the Metropolitan of Moldova and leaked to the press in October 2023 was a bombshell in a country better known for its fugitive oligarchs than its rebellious popes. In five pages, the head of the Moldovan Orthodox Church accuses the Moscow Patriarchate of having “pushed to the periphery of society” the Moldovan Church, which has been attached to the Russian Patriarchate since 1940. Far from being a simple war of chapels, this episode illustrates the tensions ...
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  • Between Russian hammer and Romanian anvil 01/04/1999
    François VILALDACH*
    Between Russian hammer and Romanian anvil
    Sandwiched successively between the Russian Empire (then the USSR) and Romania, Moldavia (formerly Bessarabia) has been the scene of a vast movement of troops over the last two centuries. Here’s the story of a region that was once highly coveted. The ...
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